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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Last Week in Rundu!

I have just purchased my tichets to get to Zambia this weekend. [As Derek will tell you] I was very upset this morning by the lack of people's help in arranging the trip. Before I departed from the US I contacted my host family about going to see Victoria Falls, I was assured that it would be no problem and arrangments would be made. This has been far from the case, after weeks and weeks of the trip being pushed back I am now in my last 8 days in Rundu and have yet to go. So, the Bekah appoarch, I bought bus tickets to take me to the border and convienced a co-worker in the town of Katima Mulilo (the town practically on the border) that it will be "fun" to join me. He will drive from there to Livingstone and on to Victoria Falls. Hopefully not too many costs will arrise and the trip will be quick. As you are probably concerned about my travel alone I am reassured that the bus carrier I am taking is safe and relatively timely. After looking at their site Derek said that it "looks better than the US grayhound service," I sure hope so Grayhound is awful! So I leave at 4am Sat. morning to head to Katima, 6 hours on the bus followed by stops at office at the border, both on the Namibia side and on the Zambia side, and 2 more hours to Vic Falls! One of the 7 wonders of the world! It should be exciting, and I'm glad I found the courage to go, hopefully it won't rain all day that would be a drag. I will get back late late late on Sunday night and then 2 days and I'm out of here!

I will be in Windhoek with AED until the 18th, and then with the Maryknolls and Father Albertine until the 25th!

Wow, so close to the end, keep in contact, it's helped alot.

Much love!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebekah,

    Derek is keeping us posted on the progress of your trip. Sounds like a struggle, as so much of your experience has been. I hope it was fun to see the falls. My family once travelled all day to see Mount Rushmore, only to get there when the entire mountain was engulfed in fog. I hope your experience had better luck. Thanks for posting news. Its been good to stay in touch this way. Enjoy your last weeks.

