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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Safe In Rundu

I am here safe and sound in Rundu, Namibia after an 8 hour drive from Windhoek, the capital of the country. I thought I would take some time and describe Rundu, it shouldn't take long. I quote Maria, "You could drive all the way through town and cover each road and be finished in ten minutes." It has one paved road through the town. I did go to the open market today, just for a wander.

This trip is a bit different for me since I have never traveled without another American with me. I am use to having someone to talk with and I do not yet understand the local languages. I am sure with time I will begin to understand the accented English and be better able to communicate.

My room is quite nice and after I unpacked all of my stuff I felt much more at home. The room is slightly larger than my upstairs room at home. It has a matching dresser and night stand. The bed is too large for my mosquito net, but since my room is separate from the house I control airflow. They have given me a fan and with that I will be able to keep all windows closed at night and therefore keep the critters out. The room has a common wall with the back side of the house but can only be accessed from walking around the house. Once you walk in there is a door off to the right, through it there is the bathroom; sink, toilet, and shower.

I have a several day conference on the coast so I may not have internet access for several days.


  1. Dude, that's it? I mean, I know my blogs are long-winded, but come on!

  2. Hi Bekah,

    Its good to hear you are settled in Rundu. I was impressed with their town web site, given what you said about the state of development there. Your room sounds quite cozy and luxurious with your own bathroom and shower. Quite a bit nicer than I thought you would encounter. Is the water and power consistent?

    The trip to the coast sounds like another long one. We hope it goes smoothly and that the conference is rewarding. Be well.

    Peter, Kristianne and Annalise
