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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Swakomond, Namibia

Sorry I haven't written in so long, internet has been down.

For those of you keeping track I am having a very hard time in Rundu, a tiny city where English is rare. One thing that I think is also making it very difficult is the lack of children. Not that there are not children in Rundu, just none that I am in daily contact with. Children are one reason why I have gotten involved in both international studies as well as education. Even at home, in Seattle, I work at a school. I love being aroung children, especially when abroad because they are the most willing to help you learn their language. I'm continuing to plug away and try to maintian a positive spirit.

Additionally, I am spending the week in Swakomond. Minus the 9 hour drive and the emptiness of the Namib Desert, it is beautiful! I am staying in a guest house with 4 african women who all mostly speak their tribal languages, which is difficult, but hopefully they will connect some how. Swakomond is on the west border with the Namib Desert along with Antlatic Ocean. Our guest house is beautiful. As I have never touched the Antlatic Ocean, I plan to take a walk to night along the beach. Our living room looks out over the ocean and the house has a rooftop rest place which I might try to check out this afternoon which the rest of the house settles in to watch some horrible African television... which includes Mexican soap operas with Africaans voice overs. haha...

(Also, I was told that this is the city where Angelina Jolie came to give birth to her baby.)

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