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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Brief Update

Sorry this is very short, I am currently writing from the Ministry of Education building in the capital of Windhoek. We got here yesterday afternoon and will be leaving again tomorrow. From there we will be heading to Otjiwarongo, this is an city in centrally located in the northern half of the country. We will be hosting a conference for primary school teachers addressing curriculum all of next week (which I think is excessively long, but okay). From there I will dpart from my host mother on Thursday and head to Katima in the Caprivi region from a few days to participate in EduSector Days, an event surrounding the issues of getting teachers HIV/AIDS tested. I am very much looking forward to the time away from my host mother. Since I arrived I have been with her 24/7, and its created some very bad tension between us. On Sat I will return to Rundu to finish out the last weeks of my program.

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, internet has not been realiable.