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Monday, February 2, 2009

Back in Rundu

The conference in Swakomund finished out well. Towards the end of the week I was placed in charge of creating an abstract/proposal which will be sumbitted to the Ministry of Education. If accepted it will alter and transform the way that OVC are treated by the educational sector throughout Namibia. The overall poilcy framework began in 2006 by members of the Ministry of Education, UNICEF, and AED. I didn't recieve much feedback when I submitted it to the officials in Windhoek, but for my first one I think it was pretty good.
This week I forsee going by very slowly, we're back in Rundu and I have no specific tasks assigned yet. It should be okay, once I get over the low expectations for this week I should be able to get cracking on my research paper for back in the States.

Sorry this is again short, I am getting run down and fighting off heat strokes pretty much everyday which leads to low energy and enthusaism. If you have any questions leave a comment and hopefully those will help jump start my next post.

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